Sunday, May 13, 2018

Why Exercising Your Dog is Important?

When it comes to adopting or picking out a dog for your family. It's important to understand the time commitment that comes with it. Dogs need exercise no matter what age, just like humans. Dogs need exercise to help with their health. Dogs can get different health issues such as obesity, heart disease, and arthritis. Sounds just like humans doesn't it? If we don't exercise and take care of ourselves eating wise we run across the same risks. But exercise is not just for health when it comes to dogs. A happy exercise dog will most likely not have behavioral issues as much. Dogs have a lot of energy especially younger ones. If they do not have an outlet for this energy, they become frustrated and will start to act out. Things you will notice is them getting into to things they should not be, example chewing is the common behavioral issue. Dogs need physical and mental stimulation. We actually have started a new enrichment area to our facility for dogs. There is more and more research saying how important mental is and the benefits to it. They compare 45 minutes of physical equals the same amount of 15 minutes of mental. It's smart if you can do it together in one activity. One way you can mental stimulate your dog if they are food motivated is doing Treat games. There are many different types of board puzzles out there that can keep your dog entertained. Playing Fetch is a very popular option, but going for walks is another one. Going for walks is a good bonding experience allowing your dog and yourself to get exercise together. Walks are also a good way to work on socialization with your dog. It allows them to work on being more open to new ideas and build confidence. Now, obviously the amount of exercise depends on the dog's breed, age, and health. It's important to understand your dog's stamina and to not push it. A German Short Hair Pointer is going to obviously need more time commitment in exercise department than a Pug.  

A game of Tug- War with a pal is another option :)

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