Saturday, May 12, 2018

What breeds are considered the working group?

There are different types of groups dogs belong too. The working groups involves breeds such as Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers, Husky, Akita, Boxer and Rottweiler. These dogs have many strong traits such as intelligent and strong headed. They are considered to be very loyal to their owners and protective. It's important to have a strong understanding of these dogs before committing to taking one of these dogs in as their own pet. These dogs can be wonderful pets, but they just need to be trained well. I have observed these dogs in daycare. They definitely will look to push their limits. We have a Rottweiler who will get into trouble by pushing water bowls around or carrying things around in group. This usually will happen, when she becomes bored. We always say, "We need to give her a job or task to keep her happy".  Rottweiler are on the breeds that needs to be always doing something to entertain them. We have a Doberman that has been trained well, but she will push her limits. But you can tell she knows that she is doing wrong. But she still will push us to see what she can get away with. I have a Boxer at home who is very loyal to us, but she is very weird with strangers. It doesn't mean she a bad dog by any means, it's just understanding her limits and not pushing her into a situation that will make her feel vulnerable.

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